NOPSEMA consultation and public comment

Providing opportunities for public participation and consultation is an integral part of transparency. This site will help you find and participate in public comment consultations that may be of interest.

Recently updated public comment consultations are displayed below.

It is important to note that the environment plan and offshore project proposals that are ‘open for comment’ have not undergone assessment by NOPSEMA and have been published to NOPSEMA’s website following an administrative check only. NOPSEMA’s formal assessment process will commence when the titleholder or proponent submits their environment plan or offshore proposal following the public comment process.

For guidance on providing effective comments, refer to Consultation on offshore petroleum environment plans and Consultation in the course of preparing an environment plan.

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Open Consultations

  • Beehive Multi-Well Exploration Drilling

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. EOG Resources Australia Block WA-488 Pty Ltd (‘EOG’) is the titleholder of exploration permit WA-488-P, located in Commonwealth marine waters of the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (JBG) approximately 77 kilometres (km) off...

    Closes 7 August 2024

Closed Consultations

  • Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proposal

    Project name: Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proponent: Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Titles (if relevant): VIC/P43, VIC/P73 and T/30P Submission type: Offshore Project Proposal Draft for public comment - Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proposal Project...

    Closed 20 May 2024

  • Wheatstone Deep-1 Exploration Drilling

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. Chevron Australia Pty Ltd is planning to conduct exploration drilling within the Northern Carnarvon Basin off the northwest coast of Western Australia between 2024 and 2025. The proposed Wheatstone Deep-1...

    Closed 19 May 2024

  • Dino South-1 Exploration Drilling

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. Chevron Australia Pty Ltd is planning to conduct exploration drilling within the Northern Carnarvon Basin off the northwest coast of Western Australia between 2024 and 2025. The proposed Dino South-1 exploration...

    Closed 19 May 2024

  • Offshore Gas Victoria Drilling Program

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. Beach Energy (Operations) Limited (Beach), proposes to undertake a Drilling Program within Commonwealth waters of the Otway and Bass Basins. The proposed scope of the Drilling Program covered by this EP consists...

    Closed 28 March 2024

  • Eureka 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. The Eureka 3D MSS is a typical 3D survey using methods and procedures similar to others conducted in Australian waters. The Active Source Area (ASA) comprises the area within which 3D seismic acquisition will be...

    Closed 22 March 2024