Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proposal

Closed 20 May 2024

Opened 19 Mar 2024


Project name: Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project
Proponent: Beach Energy (Operations) Limited
Titles (if relevant): VIC/P43, VIC/P73 and T/30P
Submission type: Offshore Project Proposal

Draft for public comment - Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proposal 

Project description

The Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project (the Project) aims to develop gas reserves for use in the East Coast domestic gas market. These reserves and potential resources are adjacent to existing Beach Energy permits and infrastructure. The Project would be undertaken through integrated subsea drilling and installation campaigns.

The Project is a staged subsea development commencing with an initial drilling campaign operated by a semi-submersible drilling rig. Successful wells would be tied back to the existing Otway Gas Production Pipeline (OGPP) and/or the existing Thylacine A platform via installation of new subsea flowlines and facilities. Recovered gas would be transported through the OGPP to the Otway Gas Plant (OGP) located near Port Campbell, Victoria, which supplies gas to the domestic market in south-east Australia.

The Project involves exploration, appraisal and development of existing and future gas discoveries in Beach’s exploration permits, VIC/P43, VIC/P73 and T/30P located in the offshore Otway Basin. It covers an area that is located approximately 20km south of the Victorian mainland and 40km west of Tasmania (King Island) at its closest points.

The Project Area consists of discoveries and exploration opportunities to both the north and south of the existing Thylacine platform. To the north it includes gas discoveries (Artisan and La Bella) and exploration prospects within approximately 10km of these discoveries and pipeline tie in points with corridors for subsea connections. To the south it includes exploration prospects within exploration permit T/30P and corridors for future subsea tie-back.

The Project is also adjacent to Beach’s current production operations at the Geographe and Thylacine gas fields in the offshore Otway Basin.

The proposed scope of the Project consists of:

  • Seabed surveys (geotechnical and geophysical)
  • Exploration, appraisal and development drilling
  • Completion of successful wells
  • Subsea infrastructure installation
  • Commissioning
  • Operations and maintenance
  • Future tiebacks
  • Decommissioning

Up to six wells may be drilled and completed (in a success case), with one existing well to be re-entered and completed as part of the initial drilling campaign.

Installation of subsea infrastructure including wellheads, flowlines, umbilicals, manifolds and skids will be undertaken to connect any gas discoveries from the initial drilling campaign or future campaigns to the OGPP.

Beach is planning the initial drilling campaign to commence in 2025, with installation of new subsea facilities commencing in 2026 and the earliest achievable date for commissioning and first gas in 2026 subject to final investment decision, joint venture and regulatory approvals. Production from successful prospects may have an operational life of up to 30 years, dependent upon resource size, well pressure and other factors.

Beach has an equity emissions reduction target – to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity by 35% by 2030. Emissions from the Project will be in accordance with Beach’s Climate Change Policy and GHG Management Plan and the Project must also comply with Australian legislative frameworks that have been established to manage emissions including the Climate Change Act 2022.


Project Stage

Indicative Timing

Indicative duration*

Execution Decision Gate

Q3 2024


Initial Exploration & Appraisal Drilling Campaign

Q1 2025

390 days

Installation of Subsea Infrastructure

Q1 2026

180 days

Commissioning & RFSU

Q2 2026

90 days

Future drilling and tie-backs

Within operating life of the Project

800 days

End of Field Life




Undertaken at the end of field life

560 days

*Note: these durations are based on the full potential scope of the OPP.

Project area

Providing your comment

The public comment process provides an opportunity for community members to have their say on environmental management aspects of proposed oil and gas projects. To make a submission click on the link below.

If your comments contain sensitive information or if you are unable to use this platform for any reason please refer to our Making public comment on offshore project proposals information paper for alternative options to have your say.

Please be aware that information that is irrelevant to NOPSEMA’s decision making criteria cannot be considered, such as statements of fundamental objection to oil and gas projects, comments that contain personal threats or profanities, SPAM mail, comments made through online social media channels, petitions and comments that pose questions to NOPSEMA and or/the proponent. NOPSEMA takes threats of a personal nature seriously and will consider legal action should the public comment process be misused to make personal threats to any NOPSEMA employee.