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70 results

  • Otway Basin 2DMC Marine Seismic Survey

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. Schlumberger Australia Pty Limited (Schlumberger) is proposing to acquire the Otway Basin 2D Multiclient Marine Seismic Survey (Otway Basin 2DMC MSS), with an estimated survey duration of 100 days which will be acquired in the period from November 2019 to June 2020. This operational window has been defined to take into account weather limitations, vessel availability and marine fauna mitigation downtime. The... More
    Opened 21 May 2019
  • North-west Australia 4D MSS

    Woodside is planning to conduct a series of marine seismic surveys in three separate geographical areas of Commonwealth waters in North-west Australia, Area A: Pluto/Brunello (Harmony 4D M1); Area B: Scarborough; and Area C: Vincent/Laverda/Cimatti. The first survey (Pluto 4D M2) is planned to commence in late 2019 (Q4), notionally followed by Harmony 4D M1 (Brunello field), Scarborough 4D B1, Laverda 4D M1, Cimatti 4D M1 and Vincent 4D M2. The planned duration of each survey is: Pluto 4D... More
    Opened 18 June 2019
  • Artisan Exploration Drilling

    Lattice Energy Limited (Lattice), who are wholly owned by Beach Energy Limited (Beach), proposes to drill a single exploration well (with the option to suspend and develop pending reservoir analysis) in Commonwealth waters of the Otway Basin approximately 32 km off Victoria’s south-west coast. The Artisan-1 well is proposed to be drilled by a semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU). The Ocean Onyx is currently proposed to undertake this drilling activity. The Ocean Onyx is... More
    Opened 26 June 2019
  • Polarcus Petrelex 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    Polarcus Seismic Limited (Polarcus) is proposing to undertake the Petrelex three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) in Commonwealth waters of the Bonaparte Basin. The purpose of the Petrelex 3D MSS is to collect high quality geophysical data about rock formations and structures beneath the seabed and assess potential for new oil and gas discoveries. The Petrelex 3D MSS is a typical 3D survey using methods and procedures similar to others conducted in Australian waters. No unique or... More
    Opened 17 July 2019
  • Sauropod 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    3D Oil Limited (3D Oil) is proposing to undertake the Sauropod three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) in Commonwealth waters of the Roebuck Basin, within exploration permit WA-527-P. The purpose of the Sauropod 3D MSS is to collect high quality geophysical data about rock formations and structures beneath the seabed and assess potential for new oil and gas discoveries. The Sauropod 3D MSS is a typical 3D survey using methods and procedures similar to others conducted in... More
    Opened 23 July 2019
  • 2D Seismic Survey WA-532-P, WA-533-P and WA-50-L

    INPEX is proposing to undertake a two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey of Exploration Permits WA-532-P and WA-533-P in the Browse and Offshore Canning Basins. The 2D seismic survey will also include the acquisition of seismic data in Production Licence WA-50-L, also within the Browse Basin The permit areas are located wholly within Commonwealth waters. At the closest point, the survey activity will be undertaken over 87 km west of Broome and 42 km offshore from the Dampier Peninsula. This... More
    Opened 1 August 2019
  • Gem 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    SapuraOMV Upstream (Western Australia) Pty Ltd (SapuraOMV) is titleholder for exploration permit AC/P61 in the Timor Sea and proposes to undertake a relatively small scale 3-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey over an area encompassing the permit and adjacent areas, referred to as the Gem 3D Marine Seismic Survey. The survey location lies entirely within Commonwealth waters approximately 250 km offshore of mainland Australia and 650 km from Darwin. Seismic data will be collected within an... More
    Opened 21 September 2019
  • Powers of Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) guidance note

    A draft of the Powers of Health and Safety Representatives guidance note is now open for comment. The guidance note seeks to explain the powers of HSR’s under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and how HSRs may exercise these powers. It also seeks to assist facility operators and employers meet their legal obligations for HSRs. NOPSEMA encourages all interested stakeholders to have their say prior to the... More
    Opened 29 October 2019
  • T/30P Geophysical and Geotechnical Seabed

    Lattice Energy Limited (Lattice), who are wholly owned by Beach Energy Limited (Beach), propose to undertake a geophysical and geotechnical survey (site survey) over a portion of their T/30P permit and open acreage in the Otway Basin in Commonwealth waters. At its closest point, the site survey is approximately 76.5 km from the township of Port Campbell, Victoria. The site survey is required to inform the location of future drilling of an exploration well and identify potential hazards. ... More
    Opened 10 December 2019
  • Ironbark-1 Exploration Drilling Environment Plan

    BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd (BP) has entered into a Joint Operating Agreement with Cue Exploration Pty Ltd (Cue), Beach Energy Limited (Beach) and NZOG (Ironbark) Pty Ltd (NZOG) covering Exploration Permit WA-359-P. BP is the titleholder nominated to undertake eligible voluntary actions on behalf of all titleholders, and is also the operator under the Joint Operating Agreement. To meet their work program obligations under the title, the titleholders are required to drill a single... More
    Opened 12 December 2019
  • Keraudren Extension 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    Santos WA Northwest Pty Ltd (Santos), who are wholly owned by Santos Energy Limited, propose to undertake a 3D seismic marine survey (the ‘survey’) over a portion of exploration permit areas WA-435-P, WA-436-P, WA-437-P and WA-438-P, and surrounding waters in the Bedout Sub-basin in Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia. At its closest point, the survey Operational Area is located approximately 45 kilometres (km) from the nearest land (Bedout Island), 56 km from the... More
    Opened 20 December 2019
  • WA-49-L Gemtree Exploration Drilling

    Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd (Woodside), proposes to drill a single exploration well (named Gemtree-A) within Permit Area WA-49-L. The proposed Gemtree-A Well is located in Commonwealth waters in the Barrow subbasin, about 142 km off the Pilbara coast of Western Australia. The closest landfall to the well location is the Montebello Islands, which are about 55 km southeast (and 47 km to the Montebello Island Marine Park). The proposed activity will involve drilling, formation evaluation... More
    Opened 26 February 2020
  • Corowa Development Offshore Project Proposal

    The Corowa Development is within Commonwealth waters in offshore petroleum permit WA-41-R, located ~60 km from Onslow in the north-west of Australia, in water depths of ~90 m. KATO Energy Pty Ltd (KATO) plans to develop the Corowa field using a relocatable system known as the ‘honeybee production system’. The honeybee production system has been used successfully in many locations around the world, including offshore WA. The ‘honeybee production system’ comprises the following key... More
    Opened 27 February 2020
  • Capreolus-2 3D Marine Seismic Survey 2020 - 2023

    TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company Pty Ltd (TGS) is proposing to undertake the Capreolus-2 three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) in Commonwealth waters of the Carnarvon Basin. The purpose of the Capreolus-2 3D MSS is to collect high quality geophysical data about rock formations and structures beneath the seabed and assess potential for new oil and gas discoveries. The Capreous-2 3D MSS is a typical 3D survey using methods and procedures similar to others conducted in Australian... More
    Opened 4 March 2020
  • T/30P Geophysical and Geotechnical Seabed Survey

    Beach Energy (Operations) Limited (Beach), propose to undertake a geophysical and geotechnical survey (site survey) over a portion of their T/30P permit and open acreage in the Otway Basin in Commonwealth waters. At its closest point, the site survey is approximately 76.5 km from the township of Port Campbell, Victoria. The site survey is required to inform the location of future drilling of an exploration well and identify potential hazards. The geophysical survey is required to obtain... More
    Opened 23 March 2020
  • NOPSEMA policy on the requirement to remove equipment and property

    The Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPPGS Act) requires petroleum companies to remove all equipment or property when it will no longer be used in offshore operations, and if an alternative is proposed, to demonstrate how equal or better safety and environmental outcomes will be achieved. In October 2019, the former federal Minister for Resources and Northern Australia made clear his expectation that NOPSEMA would heighten its focus on industry compliance with this... More
    Opened 7 April 2020
  • Draft revision of diving guideline

    Following feedback received from diving contractors and other interested parties, NOPSEMA has published for public comment a draft revision of its Diving guidelines - Complying with the diving safety regulations. This draft revision is the first step of a review process. NOPSEMA identified a number of issues during the drafting process that would benefit from further industry discussion to see if consensus on approaches can be achieved. NOPSEMA will be engaging an independent diving... More
    Opened 18 June 2020
  • Artisan Exploration Drilling

    Beach Energy (Operations) Limited (Beach) proposes to drill a single exploration well (with the option to suspend and develop pending reservoir analysis) in Commonwealth waters of the Otway Basin approximately 32 km off Victoria’s south‐west coast. The proposed Artisan‐1 well location is at a water depth of approximately 71 m. The operational area for the drilling program has been defined as a 2 km radius around the well location. The 2 km radius encompasses both the outer extent of... More
    Opened 20 July 2020
  • Kanga-1 Exploration Drilling

    SapuraOMV Upstream (Western Australia) Pty Ltd (SapuraOMV) plans to drill a single exploration well (Kanga-1) in Permit WA-412-P, located within the Dampier sub-basin in Commonwealth waters.The Kanga-1 well is located approximately 163 km north of the town of Karratha in water depths of approximately 147m. An operational area has been defined within Permit WA-412-P, which represents a 4 km x 4 km area centred around the Kanga-1 well. The Kanga-1 well will be drilled using a semi-submersible... More
    Opened 29 July 2020
  • Capreolus-2 3D Marine Seismic Survey 2020 - 2023

    FROM NOPSEMA: This is the second Capreolus-2 activity being published on the NOPSEMA website. TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company Pty Ltd (TGS) decided to make a number of modifications to the original Capreolus-2 3D Marine Seismic Survey (MSS) and as such NOPSEMA has decided that the activity requires an extra public comment period. The modifications include both spatial and temporal changes: ~ altering the south-eastern boundary of the Acquisition Area and Operational Area to include a new area of... More
    Opened 10 August 2020
  • Amulet Development

    The Amulet Development is within Commonwealth waters in retention lease WA-8-L, located ~132 km north of Dampier in the north-west of Australia, in water depths of ~80 m. The Talisman oil field is ~3.5 km to the west of Amulet, within WA-8-L, the field has already been produced, but was abandoned 1992. Due to its proximity to the Amulet field, KATO may choose to reinstate production from the Talisman field concurrently with the Amulet Development. KATO Energy Pty Ltd (KATO)... More
    Opened 3 September 2020
  • Open for comment: draft ageing assets and life extension guidance

    NOPSEMA has developed and is seeking feedback on new industry guidance. The guidance discusses ageing assets and life extension in the Australian regulatory context, and promotes the review of management systems used on offshore oil and gas facilities, with a focus on managing the risks associated with ageing The intent of the new guidance is to promote practices that ensure risks associated with ageing assets are managed to be as low as reasonably... More
    Opened 12 November 2020
  • Archer 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    Santos WA Northwest Pty Ltd (Santos), who are wholly owned by Santos Energy Limited, propose to undertake a 3D seismic marine survey (the ‘survey’) over a portion of exploration permit areas WA-437-P and WA-541-P and surrounding waters in the Bedout Sub-basin in Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia. At its closest point, the survey Operational Area is located approximately 49 kilometres (km) from the nearest land (Bedout Island), 87 km from the nearest mainland coastline... More
    Opened 18 November 2020
  • Sequoia 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    ConocoPhillips Australia SH1 Pty Limited (‘ConocoPhillips Australia’) and 3D Oil T49P Pty Limited (‘3D Oil’) are proposing to undertake the Sequoia three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) within Exploration Permit T/49P in the Otway Basin, west of King Island. The purpose of the Sequoia 3DMSS is to acquire geophysical data to provide a 3D image of the subsurface geology within the T/49P permit area in order to identify prospective commercially viable gas reservoirs for... More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Prion 3D Marine Seismic Survey

    Beach Energy (Operations) Limited (‘Beach’) is the Operator of Retention Leases T/RL2, T/RL4 and T/RL5 in the Commonwealth waters of Bass Strait and is proposing to undertake the Prion three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) over these leases. The purpose of the Prion 3DMSS is to acquire geophysical data to gain deeper knowledge of the subsurface geology in order to identify commercially viable gas reservoirs for future development. The proposed Prion 3DMSS comprises two... More
    Opened 8 January 2021
  • 2D Seismic Survey WA-532-P, WA-533-P and WA-50-L

    INPEX is proposing to undertake a two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey of Exploration Permits WA-532-P and WA-533-P in the Browse and Offshore Canning Basins. The 2D seismic survey will also include the acquisition of seismic data in Production Licence WA-50-L, also within the Browse Basin The permit areas are located wholly within Commonwealth waters. At the closest point, the survey activity will be undertaken over 87 km west of Broome and 42 km offshore from the Dampier Peninsula. Seismic... More
    Opened 20 January 2021
  • Dancer-1 Exploration Drilling

    Santos WA Northwest Pty Ltd (Santos) proposes to undertake a single-well exploration drilling campaign in permit area WA-1-P, targeting a gas reservoir in the Legendre formation (Figure 2 1). The permit area is within offshore Commonwealth waters in water depths of approximately 63 metres (m). The drilling activity will be carried out using a jack-up Mobile -Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) with support vessels and helicopters. A sidetrack or re-spud is not planned as part of the activity but... More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • Bedout Multi-Well Drilling

    Santos WA Northwest Pty Ltd (Santos) proposes to drill up to 12 wells (exploration and/or appraisal) in permit areas WA-437-P, WA-438-P and WA-541-P located in the Bedout Basin on the North West Shelf (NWS) (Figure 1) in water depths of approximately 30 to 110 m. The permit areas are wholly within offshore Commonwealth waters, approximately 9 km north from the nearest shoreline (Bedout Island), 50 km from the closest mainland point (De Grey River-mouth) and 99 km from Port Hedland. The... More
    Opened 13 April 2021
  • Management of hot surfaces information paper

    NOPSEMA has received multiple notifications of elevated surface temperatures which pose ignition risks at facilities. The Management of Hot Surfaces information paper is intended to raise awareness and highlight appropriate approaches to managing these ignition risks. The paper presents observations and NOPSEMA expectations with regard to general risk management approaches, based on industry standards and relevant good industry practice for management of hot surfaces to ensure that plant... More
    Opened 13 May 2021
  • Sasanof-1 Exploration Drilling

    Full details of this EP including published Documents. All open for comment EP's. Western Gas plans to drill the Sasanof-1 exploration well in Exploration Permit WA-519-P, located in Commonwealth waters in the Carnarvon Basin offshore Western Australia. Drilling will commence at the earliest in Q1 2022, subject to approvals, vessel availability and weather constraints, with an activity duration of approximately 25 days. The Sasanof-1 location is about 207 km northwest of Onslow.... More
    Opened 8 July 2021
70 results. Page 1 of 3